Massage Cupping is a negative pressure therapy that has been used in many cultures dating back thousands of years.

The use of suction separates layers of connective tissue, softens tight muscles and releases adhesions in muscle tissue very efficiently with no discomfort. Adhesions or “knots” in a muscle that are sensitive to the positive pressure of massage are often released with a cup placed for as little as 90 seconds.

Suction pulls stagnant blood, lymph, cellular debris and toxins that have been stored in the muscle tissue to the surface, making it easier for the lymphatic system to dispose of it. Drawing this debris to the surface may cause cupping marks. These marks may last a couple of hours or up to a week depending on the amount of stagnation there is for the lymphatic system to remove. With subsequent cupping sessions these marks will be less intense as the issues are resolved and the stagnation and toxins are moved through the system. These marks are not bruises as they are commonly referred to, as there is no damage done to the capillaries or tissue.

Cupping Therapy feels good and is very relaxing. The pulling action engages the parasympathetic nervous system, creating a deep relaxation response.

Cupping Therapy can be included in any massage session.